Born in 1932 in (Korea). Died im 2006
Liste expositions


General books and monographs (selection)

Nam June Paik, Du Cheval à Christo et autres écrits, Brussels (Belgium) ; Hamburg (Germany) ; Paris (France), E. Decker & I. Lebeer, 1993.
Nam June Paik. Niederschriften eines Kulturnomagen. Aphorismen, Briefe, Texte, Cologne (Germany), E. Decker, 1992.
DECKER-PHILLIPS Edith, Paik Video, Barrytown, N.Y. (United States), E. Decker-Phillips, 1997.
DECKER Edith, HERZOGENRATH Wulf, Video-Skulptur retrospektiv und aktuell, Cologne (Germany), DuMont, 1989.
DECKER Edith, WEIBEL Peter, Vom Verschwinden der Ferne (Telekommunikation und Kunst), Cologne (Germany), DuMont, 1989.
DECKER Edith, Paik Video, Cologne (Germany), DuMont, 1988.
DECKER Edith, Paik Video, Die Installation, 1963-1984, Hamburg (Germany), Universität Hamburg, 1985.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, Nam June Paik, Paris (France), Art Press, 1989.
HERZOGENRATH Wulf, GAEHTGENS Thomas W., THOMAS Sven, HOENISCH Peter, TV Kultur, das Fernsehen in der Kunst seit 1879, Amsterdam (Netherlands) ; Dresden (Germany), Verl. der Kunst, 1997.
HERZOGENRATH Wulf, KREUL Andreas, Nam June Paik, ‚There is no rewind button for life’, (Hommage to Nam June Paik = Hommage für Nam june Paik), Cologne (Germany), DuMont, 2007 (Literatur und Kunst Verlag).
HERZOGENRATH Wulf, Nam June Paik, Fluxus-Video, Munich (Germany), S. Schreiber, 1983.
KEARNS Mary Ann, The Role of Technology in the Art of Nam June Paik, Richmond, Va. (United States), School of Arts, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1988.
LIVINGSTONE BEEBE May, STUART DESILVA James, STORR Robert,… Landmarks, Sculpture Commissions for the Stuart Collection at the University of California San Diego, New York (United States), Rizzoli, 2001.
MATZNER Florian (ed.), Nam June Paik, Baroque Laser, New York (United States), Art Publisher, 1997.
YONGWOO Lee, Nam June Paik, Seoul (Republic of Korea), 1992.

Exhibition catalogues (selection)

Electronic Undercurrents. Nam June Paik, Video Sculptures, Copenhagen (Denmark), Statens Museum for Kunst, 1995.
Mostly Video, Nam June Paik, Tokyo (Japan), Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, 1984.
Moving Image, Electronic Art, Barcelona (Spain) Fundació Joan Miró ; Karlsruhe (Germany), Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, 1992.
Nam June Paik, Baroque Laser, Ostfildern (Germany), Cantz Verlag, 1995.
Nam June Paik, Eine DATA base, Ostfildern (Germany), C. Bub Mann & F. Matzner, 1993.
Nam June Paik, Casino Knokke, Knokke-le-Zoute (Belgium), 1992.
Novecento di Nam June Paik, Rome (Italy), Palazzo delle Esposizioni, ed. Carte segrete, 1992.
Nam June Paik, à pas de loup, de Séoul à Budapest, Seoul (Republic of Korea), Hyundai Gallery ; Won Gallery, 1991.
Nam June Paik, Video Time-Video Space, Basel (Switzerland), Kunsthalle Basel ; Zurich (Switzerland), Kunsthaus Zürich ; Dusseldorf (Germany), Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf ; Cologne (Germany), Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig ; Vienna (Austria), Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts ; Ostfildern (Germany), Cantz, 1991.
Nam June Paik, Beuys Vox, 1961-86, Seoul (Republic of Korea), Won Gallery ; Hyundai Gallery, 1990.
Nam June Paik, eine Kerze = Nam June Paik, one Candle, Frankfurt (Germany), Portikus, 1989.
Nam June Paik, La Fée électronique, Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris (France), 1989.
Nam June Paik, Satellite après-demain-Icarus Phoenix, Tokyo (Japan), J. Ito, 1988.
Nam June Paik, Video Works, 1963-88, London (United Kingdom), Hayward Gallery, 1988.
Nam June Paik, Art and Satellite-Bonjour Mr. Orwell, Berlin (Germany), DAAD Galerie, ed. 750, Druckhaus Kentrich, 1984.
The World of Nam June Paik , New York (United States) Solomo with Nam June Paik, New York (United States), Holly Solomon Gallery ; Seoul (Republic of Korea), Hyundai Gallery ; Cincinnati, Ohio (United States), Carl Solway Gallery ; Fort Lauderdale (United States), Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, 1994.
BIESENBACH Klaus, Video Acts, Single Channel Works from the Collections of Pamela and Richard Kramlich and New Art Trust, New York (United States), P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center , 2002.
BORDINI Silvia [dir.], L'arte elettronica, metamorfosi e metafore, Ferrara (Italy), Gallerie d'arte moderna e contemporanea, 2001.
BROCKHAUS Christoph, ZIELINSKI Siegfried, Nam June Paik, Fluxus und Video Skulptur, Duisburg (Germany), Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, 2002. CABUTTI Lucio, CENTINI Giulian, CURTI Denis, Il giocoliere elettronico, Nam June Paik e l'invenzione della videoarte, Turin (Italy), Hopefulmonster, 2002.
FARMER John Alan, The New Frontier, Art and Television 1960-65 , Austin, Tex. (United States), Austin Museum of Art, 2000.
HERZOGENRATH Wulf, Videokunst der 60er Jahre in Deutschland, Bremen (Germany), Kunstverein, 2006. KUBOTA Shigeko, MEKAS Jonas, PAIK Nam June, My Life with Nam June Paik, New York (United States), Maya Stendhal Gallery, 2007. LANDAU Suzanne [dir.], Who's Afraid of Contemporary Art ? Jerusalem (Israel), Israel Museum, 2002. MATTHIAS Michalka [dir.], X-screen, Film Installations and Actions in the 1960s and 1970s, Vienna (Austria), Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig ; Cologne (Germany), W. König, 2003.
MÜLLER Christian [dir.], Nam June Paik, Zeichnungen, Basel (Switzerland), Museum für Gegenwartskunst, 2000. PACE Alessandra [dir.], Nam June Paik a Vinci, arte, tecnica, tecnologia, scienza, arte all'arte, rinascimento-nascimento, Vinci (Italy), Museo Leonardiano ; Siena (Italy), Gli Ori, 2002. VAN ASSCHE Christine [dir.], New Media Collection, 1965-2005, Centre Pompidou, Taipei (Taiwan), Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 2006.
VAN ASSCHE Christine [dir.], Temps de vídeo, 1965-2005, Barcelona (Spain), Fundació La Caixa, 2006.
VAN TUYL Gijs, FUCHS Rudi, Contemporanea, Kunstmuseum Wolsburg, Madrid (Spain), Fundación Juan March ; Arte y Ciencia , 2005.
VOM DORP Pia, KUNDE Harald, LAGLER Annette, Lichtskulpturen, Aachen (Germany), Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, 2004.

Articles and essays (selection)

"All star video" [interview],1ère semaine internationale de vidéo, Geneva (Switzerland), November 1985, p. 40-41.
« La lune », Kanal magazine, n. 11, December 1990, p. 76-77.
“Nam June Paik, Performance artist and sculptor whose pioneering work with video may be said to have changed the course of modern art”, Times, January 31, 2006, p. 51.
"Nam June Paik", Video-Info, n. 10, April-May 1975.
"Random Access Information", Artforum, September 1980.
"The Media, Taking Waste out of the Wasteland", Time Magazine, May 1964.
"Video Revolution, Patricia Sloan discusses the work of Nam June Paik", Art & Artists, March 1972.
ANCONA Victor, "Nam June Paik. Portrait of the Electronic Artist", Videography, 1976.
ANTIN David, "Television : Video's Frightful Parent", Artforum, n. 14, 1975.
ASADA Akira, “Remembering Nam June Paik”, ARTiT, Winter-Spring 2007, p. 107-112.
BAKER Russell, "Observer : Seated One Day at the Cello", New York Times, May 14, 1967.
BARDONNIE Mathilde, "L'étendard électronique", Le Monde, December 16, 1982.
BLOCH Dany, "Nam June Paik et ses pianos à lumière", Art Press, n. 23, December 1978.
BOHN Alexandre, "Nam June Paik, bouleversement de situation", Mouvement, n. 13, July 2001, pblutiger Ochsenkopf", Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, March 16, 1963.
CANADAY John, "Art : The Electronic-Kinetic Trend", New York Times, December 4, 1965.
CATOIR Barbara, "Buddha meditiert vor seinem eigenen Abbild", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 7, 1976.
DAGEN Philippe, « Nam June Paik, artiste coréen », Le Monde, January 31, 2006.
DAVIS Douglas, "Electronic Wallpaper", Newsweek, August 24, 1970.
DAVIS Douglas, "Video Obscura", Artforum, n. 10, April 1972.
DE MEREDIEU Florence, "Babel TV, hommage à Nam June Paik", Revue d'esthétique, Vidéo Vidéo, 1990, p. 59-69.
DE MOFFARTS Eric, "Nam June Paik entre peinture et télévision", Videodoc, n. 56, November 1982, p. 34-35.
DE SANNA J., "Artvideotape : Does it Work ?", Domus, May 1974.
DREYFUS Charles, "Entretien avec Nam June Paik", Hors Limites, l'art et la vie, 1952-1994, Paris (France), Musée national d’art moderne ; Editions du Centre Pompidou, 1995.
DUMONT Etienne, « Nam June Paik a éteint le poste. La vidéo en deuil », Tribune de Genève, January 31, 2006.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, « Nam June Paik, le grand simulateur », Cahiers du cinéma, March 2006, p.68-71.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Nam June Paik accueille dans son satellite les artistes vidéo de tous les continents", Le Monde, April 30, 1996.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Stefaan Decostere sur Nam June Paik", Videodoc, n. 74. p. 32.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Premiers pas de l'homme dans le vide", Cahiers du cinéma, hors série, Où va la vidéo ? 1986, p. 15-22.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Le droit au direct", Cahiers du cinéma, n. 356, February 1984.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Mister O", Cahiers du cinéma, March 1984.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Dernière analogie avant le digital", Cahiers du cinéma, n. 341, November 1982, p. 28-34.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, JAEGGI Danielle, SORIN Raphaël, "L'arche de Nam June", Art Press, n. 47, April 1981.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Vidéo : un art de moins", Art Press, n. 47, April 1981.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Paikologie", Cahiers du cinéma, April 1979.
FARGIER Jean-Paul, "Nam June Paik at René Block", Art in America, n. 65, 1975.
FONG Cherise, "Nam June Paik, recent works", Nov' art, n. 16, February 1995, p. 41.
FRAMPTON H., "Withering Away of the State of Art", Artforum, December 1974.
FRANK Peter, "The Avant-garde Festival, And Now Shea Stadium", Art in America, n. 62, 1974.
FURLONG C., "AFI Frames the Fields, The National Video Festival", Afterimage, October 1981.
GARDNER Paul, "Tuning in to Nam June Paik", ARTnews, n. 81, 1982.
GAUVILLE Hervé, LEBOVICI Elisabeth, “Paik à son âme », Libération, January 31, 2006.
GEVER Martha, "The Coronation of Nam June Paik. Pomp and Circumstances", Afterimage, n. 10, 1982.
GLUECK Grace, "The World is so Boring", New York Times, May 5, 1968.
GLUECK Grace, "T.V.-Visionaries", New York Times, May 25, 1969.
GRASSKAMP Walter, "Video in Kunst und Leben, Ansichten und Interview über den magischen Spiegel", Kunstforum International, n. 35, 1979.
GROVE N., "Paik Exhibit Review", Arts Magazine, n. 50, 1979.
GRÜTERICH Marlies, "Ausstellung, Nam June Paik", Pantheon, n. 35, 1977.
HERZOGENRATH Wulf, "Paik bei Bio", Wolkenkratzer Art Journal, 1984.
HOBERMAN John, "Mr. Paik's Mondo Video", Village Voice, March 1980.
HOBERMAN John, "Vulgar Modernism", Artforum, 1982.
HUGHES Robert, "E, "Video Art : Old Wine, New Bottle", Artforum, 1974.
KEIL B., "Video Philosopher", Artweek, July 5, 1980.
KLEIN Howard, "A Happening Opens Festival", New York Times, December 26, 1965.
KURTZ Bruce, "Paikvision", Artforum, 1982.
LAPOVSKY Ben F., "Oscillons : Electronic Abstractions", Leonardo, 1969.
LONDON Barbara, "Independent Video, The First Fifteen Years", Artforum, 1980.
LORBER Richard, "Epistemological TV", Art Journal, Winter 1974-1975.
MARGOLIES John S., "TV - The Next Medium", Art in America, 1969.
MATSUO Mayumi, "Paik au Gugg", Turbulences vidéo, n. 28, July 2000.
NURISDANY Michel, "Nam June Paik : la vidéo dans son évidence", Le Figaro, n. 11907, December 1982.
O'NEAL Paul, "Nudity in Public", Life, October 13, 1967.
PERNELET Rémy, "Vidéo : les 400 écrans de Nam June Paik", Télérama, n. 1717, December 1982.
PERRONE Jeff, "The Ins and Outs of Video", Artforum, 1976.
PRICE Jonathan, "Video Art : a Medium Discovering Itself", ARTnews, January 1977.
REICHARDT Jasia, "Moholy-Nagy and Light Art as Art of the Future", Studio International, 1967.
RESTANY Pierre, "In Cerca di Documenta 6 a Kassel", Domus, n. 574, September 1977.
ROHMEDER Jürgen, "Die Reinheit der Frabe", Pantheon, 1983.
ROUSSEAU Francis, "Juste une goutte de Paik", Libération, n. 486, 1982.
RUSSEL John, "Nam June Paik", New York Times, February 1976.
SAGER Peter, "Pop-Art oder wie tot mub eine Kunst sein, um Kunstgeschichte zu werden ?", Das Kunstwerk, Stuttgart (Germany), 1970.
SCHIMMEL P., "Abstract Time : Nam June Paik", Arts, December 1974.
SMITH Roberta, « Nam June Paik, 73, Dies ; Pioneer of Video Art, Whose Work Broke Cultural Barriers », New York Times, January 31, 2006.
STOFFLET Mary, "Art or Television", Studio International, 1982.
STURKEN Maria, "Video Guru", American Film, 1982.
TOMKINS Calvin, "Profiles : Video Visionary", New Yorker, May 5, 1975.
WEINER D., "Text-tube Television : at WNET's Experimental Workshop", American Film, March 1979.
WHITE Robin, "Great Expectations : Artists' TV Guide", Artforum, 1982.
WOOSTER Ann-Sargent, "Flicks and Tapes", Art in America, 1981.
YALKUT Jud, "Art and Technology of Nam June Paik", Arts Magazine, 1969.
YOO Minjung, "The worlds of Nam June Paik", Turbulences vidéo, n. 28, July 2000.
ZERBIB David, "Nam June Paik, l'esprit néo dada ?", L'humanité, May 30, 2001.

Nam June Paik & Charlotte Moorman, Munich (Germany), Systhema, 1998.

Documentary film

FARGIER Jean-Paul, Play it again Nam, 30’, 1990.

Web site