Lecture at the Centre Pompidou, "Vidéo et Après", 2008, January, 14th
General books and monographs (selection)
ARCHER Michael, BRETT Guy, ZEGER Catherine de, Mona Hatoum, London (United Kingdom), Phaidon, 1997. DRATHEN Doris von, Vortex of Silence, Proposition for an Art Criticism Beyond Aesthetic Categories, Milan (Italy), Charta, 2004. MESKIMMON Marsha, Women Making Art, History, Subjectivity, Aesthetics, London (United Kingdom) ; New York (United States), Routledge, 2003 (Art history-Visual culture-Women's studies).
Exhibition catalogues (selection)
Eclipse, Towards the Edge of the Visible / Annushka SHANI, London (United Kingdom), White Cube, 2004. Diagnose (Kunst)= Diagnosis (Art), Ahlen (Germany), Kunstmuseum ; Würzburg (Germany), Museum im Kulturspeicher, P. 23, 187-188. Incommunicado, Norwich (United Kingdom), Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts ; Edinburgh (United Kingdom), City Art Centre ; Manchester (United Kingdom), Cornerhouse ; London (United Kingdom), Hayward Gallery , 2003. ABAD Femaría, CONTRERAS Jorge, Mona Hatoum, Oaxaca (Mexico), Museo de arte contemporáneo, 2003. BAERT Renee, Witness, North Vancouver, B.C. (Canada), Presentation House Gallery, 1994. BANAI Nuit, ALISON Jane, Colour after Klein, re-thinking colour in modern and contemporary art, London (United Kingdom), Black Dog ; Barbican Art Gallery, 2005. BELL Kirsty, Works on paper, Berlin (Germany), Galerie Max Hetzler, 2005. BIANCHI Paolo, BLEDOWSKI Christopher, Brit art , Glarus (Switzerland), Kunsthaus, 1992. BUDERER Hans-Jürgen, Dimensions, fünf Künstler aus Grossbritannien, Mannheim (Germany), Städtische Kunsthalle, 1996. CAMERON Stuart, Mona Hatoum, New Installations 1990-1992, Cardiff (United Kingdom), Chapter Arts Centre, 1992. CORTÉS José Miguel G., PICAZO Glòria, MASCARÓ Jaume, …, El instante eterno, Castelló de la Plana (Spain), Espai d'art contemporani ; Valence (Spain), Consorci de museus de la comunitat valenciana, 2001. DEUCHAR Stephen, Mona Hatoum, the Entire World as a Foreign Land, London (United Kingdom), Tate Britain, 2000. FAJARDO-HILL Cecilia, Mona Hatoum, Caracas (Venezuela), Sala Mendoza, 2001. FISHER Andrea, HATOUM Mona, THORPE David, Andrea Fisher, Mona Hatoum, London (United Kingdom), South London Gallery, 1993. FISCHER Peter, NEUBAUER Susanne, Another World, zwölf Bettgeschichten = Another World, Twelve Bedroom Stories, Kunstmuseum, Lucerne (Switzerland), 2002. FLUSSER Vilém, DORNER Stephan Christoph, PHILIP Annette,…, Migration, Vaduz (Liechtenstein), Kunstmuseum, 2003. GARB Tamar, GLENCROS Jo, ANTONI Janine, Mona Hatoum, Salamanca (Spain), Centro de arte de Salamanca, 2002. GOETZ Ingvild, MEYER-STOLL Christiane, Art from the UK, Munich (Germany), Sammlung Goetz, 1997. JANTJES Gavin, Refuge = Tilflukt , Hovikodden (Norway), Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, 2002. KAFETSI Anna, Transcultures, Athens (Greece), National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004. KELLEIN Thomas, LAMPE Angela, Das Große Fressen, von Pop bis heute , Kunsthalle, Bielefeld (Germany), 2004. LANDAU Suzanne, AMAR Talia, ZALMONA Yigal, Who's Afraid of Contemporary Art ? Jerusalem (Israel), Israel Museum, 2002. LUNGHI Enrico, JEANMarie-Josée,Confidences, « Parce que c'était lui, parce que c'était moi », Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Casino, Forum d'art contemporain ; Montreal, Quebec (Canada), VOX, Centre de diffusion de la photographie, 2001. MARTÍNEZ Rosa [ed.], Venedik - Istanbul : 51. Uluslararasi Venedik Bienali'nden bir seçki = Venice - Istanbul : a selection from the 51st International Venice Biennale, Istanbul (Turkey), Istanbul Modern, 2006. MASSÉRA Jean-Charles, Mona Hatoum, petits arrangements avec deux ou trois cauchemars (pour une esthétique du rétrécissement, Thiers (France), Creux de NN Annemarie, REININGHAUS Alexandra, Mäßig und Gefräßig, Künstlerinstallationen, Vienna (Austria), Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, 1996. MORGAN Jessica, CAMERON Dan, Mona Hatoum, Chicago, Ill. (United States), Museum of Contemporary Art, 1997. NAKAMURA Zenichi, Museum City Tenjin '94, Fukukoka, Japan, "Super Suburb", Fukuoka (Japan), Museum City Project , 1995. PANHANS-BÜHLER Ursula, ADOLPHS Volker, ZIMMER Nina, Mona Hatoum, Hamburg (Germany), Hamburger Kunsthalle ; Bonn (Germany), Kunstmuseum ; Stockholm (Sweden), Konsthall ; Ostfïldern-Ruit (Germany), Hatje Cantz, 2004. PASINI Francesca, VERZOTTI Giorgio, Il racconto del filo, ricamo e cucito nell'arte contemporanea, Trente (Italy), Museo d'arte moderna e contemporanea ; Milan (Italy), Skira, 2003. PERSEKIAN Jack, ECKSTEIN Beate, GRUBE Susanne, "In weiter Ferne, so nah", neue palästinensische Kunst , Bonn (Germany), Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, 2001. PHILIPPI Desa, BRETT Guy, Mona Hatoum, Bristol (United Kingdom), Arnolfini Gallery, 1993. PICHLER Cathrin, Engel, Engel, Legenden der Gegenwart , Vienna (Austria), Kunsthalle ; Wien (Austria) ; New York (United States), Springer, 1997. PIETERS Din, Mona Hatoum, Amsterdam (Netherlands), De Appel, 1996. PORRAS FRASER Paloma, REYES PALMA Francisco, GARCÍA CANAL María Inés, Mona Hatoum, Laboratorio arte Alameda, Mexico City (Mexico), 2002. ROBERTS James, Four rooms, London (United Kingdom), Serpentine Gallery, 1993. SABOURIN Yves, LEGRAND Pomme, Métissages, dentelles, broderies, tapis, tapisseries dans les collections publiques, Saint-Quentin (France), Ville de Saint-Quentin, 2000. SCHUMACHER Rainald, WINZEN Matthias, Just Love Me, Post-Feminist Positions of the 1990s from the Goetz Collection, Cologne (Germany), W. König, 2003. SCHUPPLI Madeleine, Mona Hatoum, Basel (Switzerland), Kunsthalle ; Schwabe, 1998. SEROTA Nicholas, The Turner Prize 1995 , London (United Kingdom), Tate Gallery, 1995. SORENSEN Jens Erik, ASKGAARD Ejnar Stig, ALBRETHSEN Pernille, BRANDT Per Aage, NIPPER Marie, JENSEN Mona, Fairy tales forever, hyldest til = Homage to H.C. Andersen, Aarhus (Denmark), Århus Kunstmuseum, 2005. STEWART HEON Laura, Mona Hatoum, Domestic Disturbance, North Adams, Mass. (United States), MASS MoCA ; Santa Fe, N.M. (United States), SITE, a Contemporary Art Space, 2001. STOUT Katharine, PETRY Michael, WATKINS Jonathan, You are Here, Re-SitingI Installations, London (United Kingdom), Royal College of Art, 1997. THÉRIAULT Michèle, Positionings, Toronto, Ont. (Canada), Art Gallery of Ontario, 1993. VAN ASSCHE Christine, Mona Hatoum, Paris (France), Musée national d'art moderne-Centre de création industrielle, Editions du Centre Pompidou, 1994. VERZOTTI Giorgio, Mona Hatoum, Rivoli (Italy), Castello di Rivoli, Museo d'arte contemporanea, 1999. VISCHER Theodora, FremdKörper, Corps étranger = FremdKörper, foreign body , Basel (Switzerland), Museum für Gegenwartskunst, 1996. VOM DORP Pia, KUNDE Harald, LAGLER Annette, Lichtskulpturen,Aachen (Germany), Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, 2004.
Interviews (selection)
ANTONI Janine, « Mona Hatoum », Bomb, n. 63, Summer 1998. ARCHER MICHAEL, "Mona Hatoum Interviewed by Michael Archer", Audio Arts Magazine, vol. 8, n. 2-3, 1987. DIAMOND Sara, "An Interview with Mona Hatoum", Fuse, vol. 10, n. 5, April 1987. WATSON Gray, "Mona Hatoum Interviewed by Gray Watson", Audio Arts Magazine, vol. 13, n. 4, 1994.
Articles and essays (selection)
ABRIOUX Yves, GRANT Simon, "Mona Hatoum at the Pompidou, Two Responses", Untitled, n. 6, Autumn 1994. ARCHER M 1992. BAERT Renee, "Desiring Daughters", Screen, vol. 34, n. 2, Summer 1993. BENNET Olivier, "British Performance on the 'EDGE'", New Art Examiner, February 1989. BERGEL Laurel, « Mona Hatoum in Between, Outside and in the Margins », Art News, Septembre 1994. BIGGS Simon, "Video and Architecture", Mediamatic, vol. 2, n. 4, June 1988. BODE Steven, "Review, Measures of Distance", City Limits, July 14-21, 1988. BRETT Guy, "Roadworks' at Brixton Art Gallery", Artscribe, n. 53, July-August 1985. BRETT Guy, "Experiment or Institutionalisation", Performance, n. 47, May-June 1987. BRETT Guy, "Mona Hatoum at the Showroom", Art in America, November 1989. BRIERS David, "’Highlands and Deserts’,A Performance Pilgrimage", Performance, n. 31, September-October 1984. BRIGNONE Patricia, "Mona Hatoum", Art Press, n. 195, October 1994. BURWELL P.D., "Hostile Realities", High Performance, vol. 8, n. 2, 1985. CAMERON Dan, « Mona Hatoum », Artforum, April 1993. CHERUBIBI Laura, "Mona Hatoum, Academia Britannica", Flash Art, n. 196, February-March 1996. CHRISTAKOS Margaret, "Identity and Resistance", Fuse, vol. 2, n. 6, July 1988. COLLIN Françoise, "Mona Hatoum, Voiles et grillages", Bloc notes, n. 7, Autumn 1994. CURRAH Mark, "Mona Hatoum, Showroom", City Limits, n. 408, July 27, 1989. DIMITRAKAKI Angela, « Mona Hatoum, A Shock of a Different Kind », Third Text, n. 43, Summer 1998. DEEPWELL Katy, « Inside Mona Hatoum », Tate Gallery Magazine, Summer 1995. DRUCKER Johanna, « Sense and Sensibility », Third Text, Summer 1994. DURLAND Steven, "Throwing a Hot Coal in a Bathtub, London's Edge 88", High Performance, n. 44, Winter 1988. ELWES Catherine, "Notes from a Video Performance by Mona Hatoum, Film Co-op 11 July 1980", Undercut, March-April 1981. FAURE WALKER Caryn, "Mona Hatoum", Art Monthly, n. 164, March 1993. GISBOURNE Mark, "Visione Britannica : Notions of Space", Art Monthly, July-August 1994. GRABNER Michelle, "Positive and Negative. Michelle Grabner on Mona Hatoum's US Retrospective", Frieze, n. 38, January-February 1998. HAMLYN Nicky, "The London Film Festival, New British Film and Video", Art Monthly, n. 123, February 1989. HARPER Paula, « Visceral Geometry », Art in America, September 1998. HATTON Brian, "Umspace", Art Monthly, n. 167, June 1993. HEARTNEY Eleanor, "Sens et sensibilité = Sense and Sensibility", Art Press, n. 195, October 1994. ISRAEL Nico, « Mona Hatoum », Artforum, April 1998. JENNINGS Rose, "Mona Hatoum, Mario Flecha", Time Out, November 4-11, 1992. LEE Roger, "Mona Hatoum", Parallelogramme, vol. 10, n. 4, April-May 1985. LIND Maria, "Mona Hatoum's State of Emergency", Paletten, n. 219, Winter 1994. LOUPPE Laurence, "Mona Hatoum", Art Press, n. 186, December 1993. MAC RITCHIE Lynn, "Uneasy Rooms", Art in America, October 1993. MACRI teresa, "Mona Hatoum", Virus, October 1995. MARINO Melanie, "Mona Hatoum at CRG", Art in America, January 1995. MARKS Laura U., "Sexual Hybrids", Parachute, April-June 1993. NILSSON John Peter, "In Limbo, Mona Hatoum Interviewed by John Peter Nilsson", Siksi-the Nordic Art Review, Helsinki (Finland), n. 1, 1995. PEVERE Geoff, "Collision in the Capital", Fuse, vol. 9, n. 1- 2, Summer 1985. PHILIPPI Desa, "Mona Hatoum, The Witness Beside Herself&qula suite du monde", Parachute, n. 68, October-November-December 1992. RANKIN-REID Jane, "Mona Hatoum", Art + Text, n. 51, 1995. RANS Goldie, "The Paradigmatic Phrase, Performance Art", Vanguard, October 1985. RENDELL Clare, "Mona Hatoum, New Installations, 1990-1992", Arts Review, December 1992. RIGBY WATSON Petra, "Mona Hatoum", Vanguard, March 1985. ROBERTS John, "Five Days at Battersea Arts Centre", Art Monthly, n. 36, May 1980. ROGERS Steve, "The National Review of Live Art", Performance, n. 50-51, November-December 1987-January 1988. ROSS Christine, "To Touch the Other, A Story of Corpo-electronic Surfaces", Public, n. 13, 1996. SHAPIRAZ Sarit, "Mona Hatoum, Anadiel", Flash Art, vol. 29, October 1996. SMITH Roberta, "The Faces of Death", New York Times, September 13, 1991. SPINELLI Claudia, "Ich strebe eine ganzheitliche Erfahrung an, Ein Gespräch mit Mona Hatoum", Das Kunst-Bulletin, n. 9, September 1996. STATHATOS John, "Does the future have an image ?", Creative Camera, n. 7, 1986. STATHATOS John, "Mona Hatoum", Art Monthly, September 1989. TOUGAS Colette, "Mona Hatoum", Parachute, n. 75, July-September 1994. USHERWOOD Paul, "TSWA, Newcastle", Art Monthly, n. 141, November 1990. WAKELY Shelagh, "Mona Hatoum, Showroom", Time Out, n. 987, July 16, 1989. WATKINS Jonathan, "World Chronicle, Odd forms in everyday places", Art International, n. 9, Winter 1989.
Sound interviews (selection)
"Mona Hatoum Interviewed by Michael Archer", Audio Arts Magazine, vol. 8, n. 2-3, 1987. "Mona Hatoum Interviewed by Gray Watson", Audio Arts Magazine, vol. 13, n. 4, 1994.